(Artist Damien Hirst; The Black Sheep with the Golden Horn)

The New Year begins now!

For all the Aries out there who are into Astrology, this month essentially marks our Astrological 'New Year!' After months and months of retrograde after retrograde, communication break downs, financial issues and emotion disarray, it's finally over! It's time to get shit done! The odds are finally in our favour! What better way to mark the 'New (mid) Year' than with a brand new set of resolutions? My thoughts exactly. Even if you're sign ISN'T Aries, who said you need to wait an ENTIRE YEAR to revise you're game plan?
Fuck it. Do what you want.
Here's my list.

1. Drink more water. A hydrated brain is a focused brain. After all the coffee teas and general salt content in most foods, I can always do with more water. Two glasses of water first thing in the morning ensures I get AT LEAST two of the 8 glasses before the day even begins. My mind is always clearer when hydrated.

2. Sit up straight. There's nothing more unattractive than watching someone go about their day slumped over like a frikkin hump on a log (myself included). Walk with some effing conviction! I promise you, great posture is the perfect compliment to any ensemble. Don't believe me? Conduct you're own strategic observation. I am right. Align that spinal cord. 

3. Make Daily To-Do Lists. I'm a list maker. That's just who I am. Lately in an attempt to improve my memory retention I've been attempting to rely on the spaghetti factory upstairs to log all my to do tasks. Needless to say, it's not working. There are SO MANY DISTRACTIONS in one day alone, give yourself a break. Create a list. We all have so many daily roles, it gets difficult to remember everything all the time! By making a list you can keep track of what you've accomplished (take a moment to pat yourself on the back), and what is left to be done. Trust me it helps!

4. Spend a little time in Meditation. This one is always difficult. On a regular day, my mind is always racing. It's almost impossible for me to sit in a quiet space and think of nothing. Instead I've been trying to sit quietly and count the people and things in my life I'm grateful for, express to the universe how truly thankful I am. Concentrate on the positive and focus on opening myself up to allow the universe to bring to me, more of what I love. 

5. Remove my makeup before bed! I am the absolute WORST with this. I'll go all day and be SO exhausted that I crash into my bed, waking up with a lovely smudge of black eyeliner crusted under my eyes. Charming. I know. Well to be honest, sometimes I like that 'day old liner' look. But that's not the point. It's SOOOO bad for you're skin! Makeup clogs you're pores, and creates a nice little bed for bacteria to grow. With every night of an unwashed face, I wake up with a new pimple. True story. Take care of you're skin!

There it is. A simple, five point resolution list that's totally attainable. Hopefully this inspires you to create a little list of you're own!

Oh, I almost forgot! If you haven't already, please check out Susan Miller's Astrology Zone. There's an app for iphone that I use religiously (K, put me on to it. Thanks boo boo). It's incredible. Even better, it's FREE. I legit sit an wait for her updates every month. The whole Venus in Jupiter, Saturn ruling Capricorn literally reads like gibberish to me. I need all the help I can get to navigate/ make sense of it all. She provides such a comprehensive breakdown of what's happening astrologically and how this affects us! Check her out!

Till next time, *insert salute*




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