Bell Bottoms?!

Bell Bottoms. One of the most unreasonably resilient styles of pant in the Western fashion game. This style re-reared its ugly (yet again) head quite a few seasons ago. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing a bell bottom pant can do that a great fitting straight leg pant can't do better. Well, except if you're an early 19th Century Sailor. Apparently they were part of the uniform and doubled as a wearable 'flag' if you will. If in fact a man flew overboard, the extra fabric was said to make it easier to 'spot the missing man'. The way I see it this was (yes I said was) right up there with wearing Crocks in public. An absolute nightmare. Until THIS!

This two piece Céline top and bottom is straight splendour. Erin Wasson (model above) gives this fit such life, the second image is like viewing the outfit from a hanging rack (sorry babe, Erin wins). Saddest part is, other than a beach wedding, where the hell could you wear this?! Imagine, you're two-thousand-dollar egg-shell white  Céline trousers in all their glory dragging along the ground..? Collecting all the day, dust, and grime. I have a difficult enough time maintaining a clean white t-shirt...


WTF?! Leave it Ellery to re-invent a hideous trend and transform it into an eloquent trouser. 
 Honestly, right now in my eyes they can do no wrong. One brilliant idea after another and always so clean and polished. Given the chance, I'd totally wear this. Bell bottoms and all. In fact, I'll be dreaming of it tonight.


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