Cottage Country

The best designs, sketches and ideas always stem from the simplicity of nature (for me at least). With a plethora of organic shapes and textures, there's never a time when I'm submerged in nature that ideas are not racing thorough my mind. The trees, the leaves the calm tranquil air, so much to soak in. The last few days spent up North have been *sigh* a real breath of fresh air (pun intended). With so much to see and so little time, I was very lucky to share my time with others who actually truly share my love of nature's beauty. I would have loved to keep an updated photo log of our daily happenings but the internet was so terrible it was basically non-existant. I guess that was the point. When you've got a cabin full of musicians, plenty of drink, good food and a deck of cards, interent isn't exactly on the forefront of your mind.

My ad for 'Nike Track & Field' featuring a pocket full of miscellaneous items and the largest Dandelion I have ever seen.  

I am very sad to say that this image doesn't even close to translate to what this looks like in person, but 
of course I had to try. The interesting part about this uprooted tree base is that on the other side you can see it has been strategically placed there by someone. Did they do it to display the artistry they foresaw? Or for a more practical reason? Either way I'm grateful.

Zee musicians.
Shi Wisdom, Brndn Phlp and Dylon (below) caught by camera man K sauntering around the main  roads soaking up the sun. As you'd be right to assume, the musical rotation was on point the entire trip. One of the many benefits of being surrounded by not just individuals with heightened sense of good vibrations, but also a comfort in their own skin.You can check for them on Instagram @brndnphlp @killahd and @shiwisdom. Good peoples. 

Yes, thats right. I'm wearing Birkenstocks. I was super sceptical I will admit but they're so effing comfortable I had get to get down with them (and I managed to score them on sale).  When I told 45 I bought them, she said they were hideous and made the foot look like a 'loaf of bread'. Touché. I can totally see that. In the end, I'll swap a loaf of bread looking foot for ultimate arch support. Eff it.  

This was the only good shot I was able to get of the man behind the lens. He has kind of a natural knack for photography and seems to always capture the mood of what's happening. Been an inspiration lately to step my photo quality game up. 

Ah, the bridge. Well, bridge/damn whatever it was I'm almost positive we shouldn't have been sitting there (oh, yes, and there happens to be a bright red danger sign behind )The water coursing beneath of feet had to be flowing at about 30 miles per hour, meaning if any of us had fallen in, it wouldn't have been a good night. Again, you can't really get the full experience unless you can hear the full roar of the  water below as it crashed into the rocks.

I know this might be a reach, but this rock reminded me of the movie Prometheus. This stone was so massive it looked as if it was catapulted from space. I sat there for a few minutes wondering what kind of undiscovered species were lurking in this water. Which brings us to the next image.

This was caught by a local fisherman FROM THE SAME BODY OF WATER WE HAD BEEN SWIMMING IN. He went on to explain that this fish is called an Alligator Pike. A very rare catch that can grow up to 6 feet long. These apparently were only 3 year old 'babies'. Unreal. 


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