*Sigh* J.W. Anderson's Fall collection is just too good. Above (and below) are my favorite looks from the collection. There is much to be said about timeless 'fashion' if I must use that word. I love the idea of occasion-less dressing. A wardrobe that can be mixed and matched for any and all occasions where each article of clothing goes with the next. From a casual lounge day to a day out on the town, swap your shoes or throw on a jacket and your evening outfit is perfect. Effortless and ever-ready.
This is going to sound feind-ish, but seeing collections like this actually give me butterflies. I can only imagine what it would be like to view this collection front row, watching the carefully constructed garments glide down the runway in all its glory. Stuff dreams are made of.
I always seem to get flack from my friends for 'wearing too many clothes' which I never really felt until I took inventory of today's happenings. While on our way to my younger brother's pre-prom photo op (in the 35 degree weather which felt like 45) I looked around and realized I was one of the only person wearing;
a.) pants
b.) closed toed shoes
c.) a unreasonably thick shirt and a jacket
Conclusion? I must attempt to scrounge up some kind of make shift summer wardrobe. I mean usually I'm perfectly comfortable, but today I was dying. This also made me realize that I don't really have 'seasonal' clothes. I pretty much add or remove depending on the weather. Partially because I always seem to be cold and partially because I'm Canadian. The weather is schizophrenic you gotta deal any way you can. So, I guess Tika, you were right. Sometimes, (only sometimes) It's a bit much. I will work harder for you. *insert wink*.
All images taken from j-w-anderson.co.uk
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