Two words. Nailed it. While panning through collections on Rei Kawakubo's Spring '12 collection truly took my breath away. I dont know how she does this. Time after time, I am never disappointed. 
This collection gives one the sense of an Old World king who's been cast out of his Kingdom, now forced to make way amongst his subjects (on the hustling streets of Tokyo perhaps?). Or, Tim Burton's Madd Hatter who's perhaps given birth to a son with a real evil streak, diligently scheming to overthrow Wonderland and give rise to a new era. If clothes could speak, this would be one riveting story. 

The weight and seemingly fluid motion of this coat looks so regal. Wish i could have been there to see this thing in full effect....

The two pictures above are where the plot begins to thicken *rubs hands together*. I can almost see this image leaping off the page of a comic book. The tale of a young man, maybe Leeloo's youngest brother (Luc Besson's 1997's The Fifth Element), who's become obsessed with hunting down Zorg for attempting to capture his sister. He then becomes drunk with rage turns quite mad, (the lead character from 12 Monkeys comes to mind) and begins to band together a secret army set out to destroy Zorg's Empire from within. 

I have a wandering mind.

Lets all take a moment to take in what's happening here. There is a pinstripe dress shirt avec matching pants that almost resemble pyjamas (if it weren't for the tailoring) worn underneath a flowing white toggle clasp coat with sneaks equipped with bright pink laces. If this exact ensemble had been described to me, it would have sounded like a hot ass mess. Yet here it is in all its glory...It's almost 3:30am. I'm ranting. Goodnight.

All images taken from


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